Friday, October 18, 2013

Love cars and the new 2014 Corvette really catches my interest

Hoping I can find a way to put some money aside and start saving for the next generation Corvette that has just been released. I have always wanted a red, convertible Corvette and dreamed of the day I would finally be able to purchase one. Practical, no not really for a middle aged person with two grandchildren and another grandchild on the way next year but so what, I still have dreams! I don't know how many other baby boomers out there have ever dreamed of owning a special car too but I just saw this week a middle aged woman finally getting her 2014 Red Corvette and I say congratulations to her. I hope one day to be able to purchase the same type of car she just did (except I want a 2014 convertible Red Corvette ). Driving a Corvette gives you a special feeling ( at my age, it's nice to feel good about something right.) and people just love these cars no matter the age of the car. Alas, I don't know if it will happen but it is still my dream to one day purchase a brand new Corvette convertible...dream on I say!,

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