Thursday, October 17, 2013

Life is not easy but give baby bombers what they have earned..all baby boomers!!

The government shutdown crisis is currently ended but really the problems with it remains to be dealt with another latter date. Our politicians have bought us more time to come up with a solution but here's a novel idea, spend less and cut some of the pork out of the bills passed in the Senate and the House. Our children and grandchildren( even our great-great -great grandchildren ( at the way things stand now) are under an unbearable burden of debt. Some estimates say $53,000 is owed by every man, woman, and child and that's just as it stood a couple of days ago. Shoot, there are things I would like to purchase or own but I don't have the money to buy them so guess what....I don't buy them. Congress needs to quit spending our money for things we don't want or need (i.e. I don't want an I.o.u.placed in the Social Security accounts by the government)  as I have heard the government is borrowing monies from SocialSecurity and placing I.O.U.'s in the place of the monies we have paid in instead. Both I and my employers paid into the Social system so I want and NEED  that money whenever I  retire from working! The way the debt ceiling keeps being raised, money is being borrowed to pay current obligations but what about all the Social Security money borrowed from the accounts??? What about generation X , how much social security money will they be able to draw when they are finally able to retire??? I would say that our children's generation has about as much a chance as a ice cube in hades has that they will be able to get all the monies they are now paying into the Social Security system back.

I would like to retire one day and get back the money I had to pay into the Social Security system not just "hope" there will be money there when I am old enough to retire. I have heard that my age group will probably be okay but the younger "baby boomers" won't be so lucky. I realize time will tell but I have heard predictions that a younger sibling (still a baby boomer) can only expect to receive maybe 75% of the social securities monies they have paid in, and that's just wrong!! Don't make our lives harder as we deserve what is ours and others that did not pay anything into the system shouldn't be able to draw money out of Social Security!My two cents on the matter ...

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